Official Artist
Robynn Yip 葉晴晴
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In Beijing

In beijing for tuesday to thursday... for dragon boat festival, as well as grandma's 80th birthday. with no facebook and youtube, THANK GOD there's at least alivenotdead! =D

It's nice to travel around sometimes, should do it more often to get inspired. Ever since music matters I've had my mind set on writing more songs, and I actually have 3 new songs that I'm working on. Thing is though, something's a bit wrong..

I know it can be considered my "style", but I am starting to see myself getting "stuck" in the same kind of thing. Gotta try and break through! My resolution to that is to listen to more different kinds of music, and also train myself vocally to be able to be more versatile. So far it's been okay but I'd love some music recommendations from you all music lovers! =) could be mainstream or indie or anything. my itunes really doesn't have that much music, contrary to popular belief. So i need to load it up. big time. Old stuff new stuff alike.  so pretty please? =D

So my recent challenge? Rock. It's like the polar opposite of jazz. emphasis on down beats, pretty straight forward chords, extreme emotions, like a straight punch in the stomach instead of beating around the bush. It's something you can listen to and go "Shuang!" or, "YEAH!!!" It's something that I don't necessarily need to master just yet, but hey, elements of it can be used to add color to whatever i'm doing right now. my voice teacher gave me this challenge the other day for me to sing something more "rock", and i did... and listening to the playback I just laughed cuz i was so embarrassed! Apparently I'm not "angry" enough of a person? Not sure what it is. hahah xD

but don't get me wrong though! I don't necessarily need recommendations from JUST rock music. Hopefully you guys will give me some input!

Can't wait to go shopping tomorrow! (but i miss my guitar Nancy. its sitting at home in hong kong... =( )

talk next time! checkin out!

hugs =D


about 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
I just woke up, so this list is probably best because they still come to my sleep-addled mind: The WIldhearts Thin Lizzy The Georgia Satellites Humble Pie Cheap Trick Deep Purple Green Day and Dear Jane! I will gladly prattle on further and provide 'research CDs' if need be, just PM me.
about 14 years ago
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ha ha, you see at least one advantage to AnD, we work in China! :-P music - i'm no expert, but one thing I like are dramatically different interpretations of popular songs. (ie an acoustic slow version of some popular up-beat rock or hip-hop tune, etc). try like a russian roulette approach, close your eyes and pick a song off a pop chart or off of iTunes or something and try to make something completely different out of it.
about 14 years ago
Photo 40915
beautiful dangerous - fergie's new song with slash.
about 14 years ago


Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 27, 2010