Official Artist
Robynn Yip 葉晴晴
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What gets me SO mad about Youtube in HK

I really wanted to stay out of this, but seriously, why is there so much hatred in Youtube HK?Our popular videos almost always involve bullying, verbal fights, people
failing at things, or paparazzi in action, finding out people's
"secrets". (Yeah, celebrities date people. Big surprise. Go ruin their
date and call the guy violent because he held on to your camera. good
job.) I mean, it's sad. Then comes a public bash fest, and people
ganging up in a huge debate about who's right and who's wrong, calling
them names, insulting their looks and families. As though that's not
enough, we find out their real names, where they go to school, their
addresses, their grades, their class codes. WOW. I mean, REALLY? It's not fair. Sure, they've probably done something horrible, but what's more horrible is how everyone LOVES to play detective, put their real
identities out in the open and then gang up as anonymous internet users to bash them. REALLY, GUYS? I've never even felt this stirred up reading my own negative comments from my videos. In fact those negative comments mean virtually NOTHING to me compared to this.Stop encouraging these behaviors by giving it so much attention. Some behaviors really are infuriating, but NO ONE deserves to be publicly bashed like that on the internet.

I'd rather watch an amazing old man shoot consecutive 3-pointers at a
basketball court, or watch a story about a homeless man getting a job and a home because of his "golden radio voice" over any of this crap
any day. People posted up a video for a homeless man that landed him a
job and a home in Ohio USA. They gave him a chance to start his life
over, after years of alcohol and drug use. Now that's something. What
are WE doing here? Are we hoping to get them kicked out of school?
Jeopardize their careers? Or is that not good enough even? Because they just did something SO terrible in that one moment of their lives that
happened to be captured on camera? This is downright gang violence
against people. Please, if you agree with me, share this message and
start sharing nice videos on facebook and youtube for a change!* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq3wLovrPtc* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rPFvLUWkzsPeople, stop focusing on other people's faults to distract yourselves from your own.

Us Hong Kongers really tend to do that for some reason. I guess it
comes with the competitive culture of our commercial, overpopulated
city. But trust me, putting others down is not gonna get you ahead. Just do things better yourself while others are busy putting people down
and you'd be surprised how much farther you'd get.

over 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
I think you pegged it, though; people try to make themselves feel better by slagging off others. It's really sad. But while that kid on the bus WAS a punk, I don't think its right that his information becomes public. It's even worse for people in the 'Big 6', like that poor student who tried to _talk_ to Tibetan protesters. Her family received death threats and had to move. Just one more reason why I tend to think negatively of humanity as a whole ;p
over 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
youtube comments are generally (unfortunately) extremely negative and full of that kind of stuff... its the other side of the coin of the gift of free speech. don't let them get to you. i think the best counter attack against the negativity is to work hard and be successful. At the end of the day whatever they say about who you're dating or not dating or how big your body parts are or aren't won't matter but what you've accomplished yourself...
over 13 years ago
Photo 505164
True that Robin. There are too many haters out there on the internet. It's one thing to check out those videos, but to go out of your way to hurt or ruin the lives of the people in them is a whole other level of hate beyond just trash talking. Sometimes I get some sick comments on my videos. And sometimes they can be just mean spirited. Every time I'm sure the person on the other side is just writing those comments to get off on it, so I usually feel I need to put them in their place. I tell them things to make them run home crying to their mommas. Then I block their accounts so they can't answer back. I imagine that their hate eats them alive on the inside with their not being able to get in the last word. But sometimes people need to be taught a lesson. Good call on the old guy making the baskets. That was crazy awesome!
over 13 years ago


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