Official Artist
Rodney Wong
Actor , Stuntperson , Sports
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Aussie Aussie Aussie!...

Every time I go back home to visit family and friends in Adelaide, I don't want to come back... Adelaide really is a paradise in my eyes... The blue sky, white clouds and fresh air... things you don't often see in HK.. .things you just kind of take for granted before...

One of the happiest things for me this time around, was to meet my third baby niece Ava... she is the most adorable baby EVER!...

this is Ava

Isn't she just adorable?.. ^ ^

Buccaneer Ava... Aaarrr me hearties!... haha...

I'm soooo glad that my nieces weren't scared of me... since I haven't seen the 2 older ones for over a year...

This is me and Laila going down the slide

Laila on my back..

The big sister Lily... she's so gonna be a hotty when she grows up... ;D

They like to jump on my dad too.. haha...

Another thing that I miss already is hanging out with my bro and sis.... My lil bro has really grown up.... he's even more grown up than me now. haha... most people think he's the older brother eventhough he's like 4 years younger than me..... maybe I just look young!! :p

Me and bro doing what's now offically known as the "fob squat!" .. (hope this term doesn't offend anyone! XD ... I apologize if it doe.. haha.. )  do we look alike?.. some people can't seem to tell us apart.. ><

The rest of the Wong family.

One other cool thing about Australia that's almost impossible to have in HK is a huge backyard...... with animals... ?.... haha..

This is my sister's home's backyard...

These funny looking creatures are called Alpacas

They're actually their neighbours.. but definitely not something you see everyday...  (well, they do.. but you know what I mean! :p )

It was wonderful trip and a good chance for me to get some quality rest... but sadly it had a not so good ending....

I was diagnosed with H1N1 the next day I got back to HK.. and they had to throw me in hospital and quaranteen me... fortunately it was only for 1 night, since the policies have changed but it did cost me a movie deal that was confirmed for shooting TODAY!...  ><

Eventhough I feel completely fine now.. .the film guys are just too paranoid about the much hyped up swine flu and decided to ditch me.... so... now I'm back in HK, but my movie job is cancelled.

I could've just stayed in Aus for another week if I had knew... but oh well... guess it's back to the waiting game....


over 15 years ago 0 likes  28 comments  0 shares
Photo 51946
waaaaaaaaaaaa...soooooo lovely (*^__^*)...嘻嘻
over 15 years ago
Photo 261052
What a cutie!! hehe
over 15 years ago
Photo 261052
Saw your performance on TVB this morning! Awesome!! Catch up soon, and perhaps work together soon?!? hehe Take care and keep rockin'! Michael
over 15 years ago
Photo 4
Aussie Aussie rulez!!!!! :D The baby is super adorable!!! :)
over 15 years ago


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Member Since
November 26, 2007