Rodney Wong
演员, 武术指导, 体育
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Beijing 2008

So.. the World has finally fallen asleep, and began to dream!... (One World, One Dream?? .. haha.. I´m lame, I know! :p)

Anyway, it´s been a while since I´ve blogged, but it´s not because I don´t want to. It´s cos I´m not allowed for what I´m doing now...

For the ones who don´t already know, I´m working for NBC News on the Olympics in Beijing.. and I have to say it´s great ... and that´s all I´m allowed to say for now.. hehe.. show you everything from the inside when it´s over..

The Bird´s Nest.. this place is awesome.. you should come see it up close! ;D

16 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
Photo 52954
You're a newsman now? Cool.
16 年多 ago
Photo 37095
u ll come to the wushu turnament?
16 年多 ago
nice ... see u soon bro !!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 46423
I´d definitely want to check out the wushu tournament even if I have to sneak my way in somehow.. haha.. but really have to see what happens at work first. I´m not working on air, hehe.. so don´t look for me :p just helping out with support and translations etc.. do get to see a lot though!
16 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 26, 2007