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Rodney Wong
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First 2009 Street Roda

Some photos of the first Group Capoeira Brazil HK street roda in 2009 at CWB.

First stop was Times Square, followed by Sogo. >< I already used most of my energy at the Times Square stop, but luckily we still managed to pull it off at Sogo.

Grupo Capoeira Brasil Hong Kong

Hahaha.. am I cute or what?.. ><   just kidding!....

It was a pretty nice night of Capoeira, apart from that fact that I took some skin off my big toe playing barefooted. But that' the way Capoeira is... !

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
nice 哈哈。。。
about 16 years ago


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November 26, 2007