OK, it's been a year since I last posted on my AnD blog, and boy does time flies. My last blog entry was on the renovation of our Tricking studio "Trickstation". This blog entry will also be about Trickstation... but the newer and better Trickstation. Yes, we're moving... already!.. ><
But it's for the better I promise. We'll be having our grand opening party coming Saturday night on the 28th of May 2011 at 7pm, and everyone is welcome to come along and check us out. Our new address is at -荃灣德士古道60 - 62 號寶業大廈B座2樓03Y室Block B , Rm 3Y, 2/F , Po Yip Building ,60 – 62 Texaco Road , Tusen Wan , NT, Hong Kong (It's in between Tai Wo Hau and Tsuen Wan station right next to the Panda Hotel)There are more details on the facebook events page -http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=184995351550285 Here is a sneak preview :pVideo:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39AVLBqxm1gAside from our new Tricking studio, I'm also in the middle of rehearsal for a dance production "The Hose of Dance Water". It's one of the toughest productions that I've ever worked on. Modern dance is definitely something new to me. They'll be incorporating some of my Tricking skills in the production, so if it sounds interesting, please come see us and give me some support! :D
Contact me if you want to buy discounted tickets! ;D