Official Artist
Rodney Wong
Actor , Stuntperson , Sports
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People I met in Beijing

The legendary Jet Li. What can I say?... I was star struck. Haha!.. Thank you NBC, it was simply amazing being there while Jet did the interview with Ann Curry for the Today Show.

Next comes Kobe Bryant

I was there .. really!... haha.. that's him, that's him!..

Yes, Lebron James was there too!

Then I bumped into Ian Thorpe, the former Australian Olympic Gold Medalist.. the Thorpedo!..

Oh.. I saw the former President of the United States too..

And the Fuwa's.. haha.. boy!.. they sure can jump!...

Mestre Feijao and Professor Cuchilla of Capoeira Senzala... so the Capoeira never stops!.. Sem Parar Capoeira!

Contra Mestre Mauzibier

Hideki!... My high school friend that I haven't seen for 8 years?.. >< Who would've thought I'd see you in Beijing!..

And finally, the guys from Alive not Dead.. Wudi, Li Jin Han, Chris, and don't forget little Reina... It was really nice meeting up with you guys in Beijing!..

over 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
ah! the good old one foundation offices in beijing. was this the same interview that had a quick blurb with wu di in it? I think we posted it up on jet's blog, if it is.
over 16 years ago
Photo 37095
o..man!!!!!!!!!!! :O
over 16 years ago
Photo 46423
yeah.. it was that same interview that had a shot on Wudi.. The actual interview went on for a lot longer, but I guess they only keep what they consider the best bits for such a short segment.. :D
over 16 years ago
394744 10151919153965184 1224317883 n
wow I wish I could be there!
over 16 years ago
Img 4957
I think it'd be RIGHT NEXT TO HIM trying to take a picture together already .. if I can ever get that close to him!!
over 16 years ago
Img 4957
:O! Thorpe! our hero!! haha hmmm he's looking a lot different-er tho
over 16 years ago
nice u were there !!!
about 16 years ago
it was nice to met u too !!!
about 16 years ago


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