Rodney Wong
演员, 武术指导, 体育
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Recent Appearances

Recently one of the independent films I participated in "The Autumnal Equinox" ( 未央歌) was screened at the HKAIFF. Though a lot my part didn't quite make the final cut, the shooting was a good experience to me nonetheless.

I'm a media production guy in the film.. haha..

I got to act as an armed robber for upcoming ATV series 「法網群英」 earlier. Again, it was a small part, but was fun holding a shot gun and getting away from gun fire! hehe..

Got involved in the shooting for 「流浪漢世界盃」 earlier in the year. Really looking forward to this film actually. I got to play one of the soccer team members from 街霸隊 who is made up of a bunch of street brats that were always up to no good!..

Everyone who worked on the film was really really nice. One of the most enjoyable shoots I've ever had.

This is our team, Otto is our Captain!

We're up to no good I tell ya!..

Got to meet one of my very respected action stars 元華師父. Not anyone is capable of being a body double for the almighty Bruce Lee you know!..

又南is on the opposite team, but it's ok, I get to pick on him for a bit in the movie! haha..

達哥!You're the best!... you and 達嫂is the coolest couple on Earth!

巴士佬 黃德斌, another top guy! Oh.. and don't forget my buddy 邦仔at the back. Our goal keeper.

and the lovely ladies!

I hear that the movie is due for screening around Easter time in 2009?... ... Can't wait...

16 年多 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
Photo 37095
agh that man my hero!
16 年多 ago
Photo 46423
thanks for the comments everyone! :D haha.. to MissScarlet - haha.. lucky i had that mask on then! :p to mijonju - I'm not in one of those pics, it's just the promo picture for that movie
大约 16 年 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 26, 2007