Rodney Wong
演员, 武术指导, 体育
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Trickstation Grand Opening

After years of saving and planning, and discussing, and searching, and searching, and searching, I've finally found the right place. And after months of drilling and hammering, and buying and installing, Hong Kong has finally got a place dedicated for tricking, and practicing flips and acrobatics. We call it Trickstation.

When I first returned to Hong Kong in 2004, I could not find a single place to practice my gymnastics and train new tricks. I recall calling up the Hong Kong Gymnastics Association, asking if I could pay to train at their gymnasium, but with no luck. A few years later I finally found a few places for training, but it was either expensive, or the equipment was somewhat lacking. So... the decision was made to make a studio that could cater for my training needs.

It wasn't an easy task at all putting a tricking studio together, especially in a place like Hong Kong. Cos for a sport like this, first, you need a lot of space. (This is already a challenge for a place like HK) You'll also need a high ceiling, padded flooring, crash mats and other training equipment.

I was lucky enough to find a suitable place in the Kwun Tong area, end of 2009. This is what it looked like - >< it's pretty scary actually...

After some designing, we began transforming the place

Carpet, mirrors and new windows were installed.

Then came the equipment

We haven't got everything we planned for yet... but it's a start!

The Trickstation team... Construction worker style!.. haha..

After the flooring and lights were installed, we can finally do some training.

We'll be having our opening party this coming Sunday (April 18th 2010) 2-5pm. If you're free, feel free to pop by and check us out.


Rm5,4/F Nan Fung Industrial Building, 15&17 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (Near Ngau Tau Kok MTR)

九龍觀塘創業街15&17號 南豐工業大廈4樓5號室 ( 近牛頭角地鐵站)

Contact: 65067109

Website: www.trickstation.com



Hope to see you there! ;D

We will be running some classes at our Trickstation studio, ranging from Tricking, Gymnastics, Capoeira, and Peking Opera Acrobatics. We're also looking to add Wushu, Breaking, and Yoga classes too, once everything starts running.

We have a special offer for people who would like to try out some classes or do some training.

Everyone is entitled to 1 FREE Jam Session + 1 WEEK of FREE classes starting at any time

So what are you waiting for?.. Happy tricking everyone!



接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Looks nice, I want to check it out.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 52954
Hey, mate... that's pretty impressive! Kudos! I'll certainly drop by next time I'm in HK. Keep it up!
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 37580
Awesome, congrats.
接近 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great looking space!
14 年多 ago
Photo 261052
Congrats man!~ Thats awesome!!~
14 年多 ago
Photo 50938
14 年多 ago
14 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 26, 2007