演员, 歌手
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Imperial Romance | 宮廷羅曼史

Rozy and I were being invited by Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) to their yearly fund raising ball on last Sat. HKAPA is the only higher arts institution in the territory which provides professional education, training n research facilities in the performing arts, theater technical arts n film n television.

This event is sponsored by Harry Winston. We didn't expect it to be as grand and extravagant, attended only by the rich and famous and capable and bright and lucky (like me) , people whom i normally see only in magazines!

| 上周六晚上,Rozy和我被香港演藝學院邀請參加他們的年度籌款晚會。香港演藝學院是香港唯一一所高等藝術學院,在表演藝術、戲劇技巧、電影及電視方面提供專業教育、培訓及研究力量。 這次活動由Harry Winston贊助,我們沒想到是如此奢華隆重,到場的都是富豪、名人、成功人士、漂亮人士以及幸運的人(比如我),很多人我只在雜誌裏見過!

| 上周六晚上,Rozy和我被香港演艺学院邀请参加他们的年度筹款晚会。香港演艺学院是香港唯一一所高等艺术学院,在表演艺术、戏剧技巧、电影及电视方面提供专业教育、培训及研究力量。 这次活动由Harry Winston赞助,我们没想到是如此奢华隆重,到场的都是富豪、名人、成功人士、漂亮人士以及幸运的人(比如我),很多人我只在杂志里见过!

The theme is IMPERIAL ROMANCE ! They transformed the stage into a palace courtyard, and we dine onstage ! How amazing ! Such a good idea ! Such an eye opening experience!

| 晚會主題是宮廷羅曼史!舞臺被設計成一個中國皇宮庭院,我們在臺上用餐!超乎想象!好棒的想法!視覺盛筵! | 晚会主题是宫廷罗曼史!舞台被设计成一个中国皇宫庭院,我们在台上用餐!超乎想象!好棒的想法!视觉盛筵!

Our host for the evening ! | 當晚主持人!| 当晚主持人!

These pictures don't do justice to what we saw there, but Rozy and i are just too eager to wanna share it. We really appreciated the organisers for spending so much time and effort in making an event so wonderful ! And of course, thanks to Real for the invitation!!

| 這些照片還不足以展現當晚的奢華美景,但Rozy和我都太急於跟你們分享。非常感謝主辦單位花費大量心血及時間舉辦這場完美的活動!當然還要感謝Real的邀請!! | 这些照片还不足以展现当晚的奢华美景,但Rozy和我都太急于跟你们分享。非常感谢主办单位花费大量心血及时间举办这场完美的活动!当然还要感谢Real的邀请!!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
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wow! its hard to visualize what the layout is, but it looks cool!
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 20, 2007