Roz Pho
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:: Beaches and Peaches ::

Ok, I dunno what to say here except I had a KICK ASS time in the phillippines. I LOVE beaches and I think beaches love me coz I didn't get burnt bad at all, the sun, the sand, the sea was just perfect!

Words cannot describe my trip so here are some pics.

First stop: Palawan!!

Ok, that's not the island I was on but that's the only pic of an island I have. So pretend that's it.

Chillin on these wonderful hammocks that were EVERYWHERE. I love listening to music and I come from Singapore which is a busy city so when I first got to the island, I was thinking, ok ok pretty beach, so what else is there to do?? But then i realised I'm supposed to just enjoy the beach with no interference from anything.

Roz sits there. ::quiet:: hmmm ::quiet:: ARRGGHHH!!!! (screams for fun) ::still quiet:: ok.. i guess this is it. ::dead quiet::

After an hour, i could finally just lie there in the quiet, listening to the waves. BEAUTIFUL.

My beach

Have you ever noticed how your legs always tan faster than the rest of your body? I was trying to even that out with the knee high socks. :p don't laugh! It was a private beach! nobody saw!! and I don't get it. My legs were still darker than the rest!

Passing out on the patio/deck/whatever you call these outdoorsy thingys.

Watching the sea at sunset. Those are not pimples on my back. those are water droplets. :p

When it gets dark, one needs to find activities to entertain oneself.

So that's me climbing a coconut tree. But being the chicken that I am, I didn't get to the top. But hey, I got halfway and when the ground got too dark to see, I thought I better make my way back down.

Next Stop: Boracay

My hotel. How cute is the sign!!

The Beach

A hat i bought off this man on the beach.

wow. 30 min painful horse ride for this. Totally worth it.

Sea snake in a bat cave!! Sorry but the bat photos didn't out well so this is all you get.

Entertainment for the night. Dancing filipino style. I thought my legs were gonna get clipped off!! But it was super fun.

Fire Lady. Very impressive.

Last stop: Palau!!

I wish I could show you all the pics but there are just tooooo many!!

yes I know I'm not supposed to touch them but really, this cuttlefish kept swimming around my legs.. really really close to shore. not scared at all! super friendly. This is the only thing i touched, i swear!

my favourite nemos in the most beautiful anemone i've ever seen.

russians drinking on board our dive boat.

Russian chilling.

Russian cutting birthday cake russian style.

Russian taking videos with a towel to protect his head from the ceiling.

Russian dancing russian style with dive helmet on his head.

Russian puking off the boat.

Russian dancing russian style

Russian dancing a gentle waltz of some sort. I didn't get it, but I hoped he wasn't naked under his robe.

Crazy russian suddenly grabs me. you can see my toes curled in horror. I now know how a cavewoman being dragged by the hair feels like.

Swinging another victim around.

And then....


Jellyfish Lake

Shark and Manta Ray

Turtle being followed by not sure what fish and bumperhead!!

Me trying to convince the bumperhead to swim over.

The Live-a-board.

Ok, that's all for today.. that was a LOT of photos.. Gonna leave you guys with some videos.

Hmmm.. can't figure out how to upload my own videos.. soooo... lemme figure that out and post it another day.


大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, paradise!
大约 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
everybody loves fridays!
大约 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for sharing! :-O
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 96206
Woah crap! Don't those things sting you and then you die or something? There's so many behind you!!!!
大约 16 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
i'm jealous
接近 16 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
接近 16 年 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Taipei, Taiwan
April 22, 2008