Roz Pho
147,253 查看| 16  更新

. home sweet home .

YAYYY!!! I'm finally back in Singapore. I'm gonna miss the food in Japan, but not quite so soon.

Home sweet home. Its goooood to be home.. but it seems everytime I'm back on homeground, I never have any time to breathe.

Was looking through my photo folders when I got back and I found a picture of when I was in Hongkong where I was quite starstruck. I met....

Mister Josh Harnett. So handsome and so tall.

I also saw a group of cute guys. I'm a fan of course.


And then there was...

Ok I feel so bad  I don't know his name (korean names are hard to remember!) but for those who don't know (though I'm sure you do), he's a korean actor!

I traumatised all of them by forcing them to take photos with me. MWahahahhahaha...

Ok smell ya laterzzzz! gonna roll around in my much missed bed.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares
i'm very sure that's not jung hyuk,,,,welcome home :)
16 年多 ago
Photo 76841
You can say that again. Josh is damn hawt!
16 年多 ago
nice pic of you !!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 31454
what's so great about being tall? :( haha was he a kew guy?
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i am 99% sure that I was there that night (or the night after, i think those guys went there often...)
16 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Taipei, Taiwan
April 22, 2008