Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!! I hope you all had time to have dinner with your family today or sometime this week. Too bad you can't play with candles and lanterns like the old days. I remember going to the World Wide Gardens (Shatin) park and light candles along the pond with my brother Scott and our friends. Those were good times...
| 祝大家中秋節快樂!!希望你們今天都能跟家裏人一起吃晚餐,或本周抽個時間。真可惜,不能象小時侯一樣玩蠟燭和燈籠了。我還記得在沙田的世界花園,跟弟弟Scott和朋友們在池塘邊一起點蠟燭。真是愉快的時光…
| 祝大家中秋节快乐!!希望你们今天都能跟家里人一起吃晚餐,或本周抽个时间。真可惜,不能象小时侯一样玩蜡烛和灯笼了。我还记得在沙田的世界花园,跟弟弟Scott和朋友们在池塘边一起点蜡烛。真是愉快的时光…
Eager kids ready to play with fire! What happened to my old Ultraman T-shirt?
| 小孩都喜歡玩火!我小時候的這件鹹蛋超人T恤去哪了?| 小孩都喜欢玩火!我小时候的这件咸蛋超人T恤去哪了?