We filmed last week at this old house in Yuen Long and it was pretty weird being so far away from the city. At the same time it was cool seeing how the houses were but I don't think I can live with out my air-con in this weather....haha!
| 上周我們在元朗這間老宅子拍攝。這房子離城市那麽遠,有點怪異。看到舊宅的確不錯,但這樣的天氣又沒有空調,我可沒辦法在這裏住…哈哈! | 上周我们在元朗这间老宅子拍摄。这房子离城市那么远,有点怪异。看到旧宅的确不错,但这样的天气又没有空调,我可没办法在这里住…哈哈!
This is the inside wall right above the doorway. You can't see it but they still use wood bars to lock up at night! | 這是門墻。你看不到的是,他們晚上還用木頭栓門!| 这是门墙。你看不到的是,他们晚上还用木头栓门!
No roads just paths between villages!
| 村莊之間沒有路,只有小徑相通! | 村庄之间没有路,只有小径相通!
| 滿眼是綠! | 满眼是绿!
I had to do scenes with these kids...but not after I painted all over their faces! ha!
| 我不得不和這些孩子一起拍場戲…但後來我畫滿了他們的臉!哈! | 我不得不和这些孩子一起拍场戏…但后来我画满了他们的脸!哈!
Going back into the studio tomorrow....can't wait for you guys to hear the tunes.....!!!!