The Zoo York team was in HK and did a demo at Mei Foo on Saturday which was really cool. It was great because tons of people showed up and they had a game of S.K.A.T.E. for the local skaters. You can check out more at Good stuff!
| Zoo York組合周六在香港Mei Foo做的表演非常酷,有很多人特地來看,他們還跟本地滑板愛好者一起玩S.K.A.T.E.遊戲。到www.hkskateboarding.com看更多內容,很有意思!
|Zoo York组合周六在香港Mei Foo做的表演非常酷,有很多人特地来看,他们还跟本地滑板爱好者一起玩。到www.hkskateboarding.com看更多内容,很有意思!
It's great that more pros come to HK and tear it up!
| 很開心看到越來越多的專業人士到香港交流! | 很开心看到越来越多的专业人士到香港交流!
Tricks were getting bigger and bigger!
| 技巧愈加難! | 技巧愈加难!
Everyone watched in amazement and took as many pics as possible!
| 大家都驚嘆不已,盡可能多拍照片! | 大家都惊叹不已,尽可能多拍照片!
Last week's skate session with Lee-Hawk showing how it's done!
| 上周的滑板聚會中Lee-Hawk展示了這個動作! | 上周的滑板聚会中Lee-Hawk展示了这个动作!
Still waiting on the new Chinese lyrics so in the meantime.....
| 還在等待新的中文歌詞,所以抽出點時間…… | 还在等待新的中文歌词,所以抽出点时间……
I've been skating so long I can't stop.....I think this was sometime in 1987!
| 我已經滑了好長時間,停不下來…這是1987年! | 我已经滑了好长时间,停不下来…这是1987年!
Played at the C.A.S.H. show at Wan Chai yesterday. Its getting so hot outside I can't wait for winter!
| 昨天在灣仔C.A.S.H.秀上的演出。外面非常熱,等不及冬天來到!| 昨天在湾仔C.A.S.H.秀上的演出。外面非常热,等不及冬天来到!
Backstage with Bianca. I'm kinda scared to see where this pic turns up...ha.
| 在後臺跟 胡琳。我有點怕這張照片流傳出去…哈 | 在后台跟 胡琳。我有点怕这张照片流传出去…哈