Official Artist
Samira Sahuri
Producer , Photographer
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Of Hello Kitties, pole parties, Wild Safaris & French Hiphop

I've been going to quite a few events lately. It seems like my weeknites turn out to be more interesting (meaning ends later) than my weekends!

So here goes:

The Hello Kitty & MAC mash up launch @ Cliq:

The S&M Kitty was so kinky... too bad we covered his body. Haahaa

This is Libre de danser @ M1NT where Sky performed some erotic pole dancing.. ouhhhh...

The Wild Safari party @ M1NT. They played dope hiphop and old skool stuff. I danced the night away...

Ouh I was in my animal print. Grawlllll!!!

And then there was this French Hiphop event @ The Fringe Club. The performances were cool & it was a full house! French sounds sooo sexy.... ehehehe

Wow what a week, eh? Now back to doing that overdue laundry..... (groan...)

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 81353
Thanks sweetie for uploading the AMAZING kitty night
almost 16 years ago


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Member Since
November 23, 2008