Official Artist
Sam Salek
Director , Editor (Film) , Photographer
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The Cricle of Life

Life is like a circle of your actions, but the second time when you came across the same point you are not the reason; you are under the influence of your own act. If you loved, you’ll be loved, if you hated, you will be hated, if you ignored you will be ignored and so on.

But there’s a way to break this circle, and that’s to be willing to sacrifice something to for a moment, to be who you want, with whom who you desire or where you want to be, even for a moment, you have to offer something … and lose it, not to achieve all you want, but to break the circle for an unforgettable moment.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4317964/ Personal Website: http://www.samsalek.net

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England, Germany
Member Since
July 5, 2008