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Quote of the Week – Age

The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. Frank Lloyd Wright


Age and image is/was one of my biggest worries all through life. When we are younger, we try to look older and when we’re older, we aim to look younger. I had a handful of auditions this past week and sometimes you can’t help but notice what people do to “fix” themselves. Perhaps in Asia, we don’t have to worry too much bc Asians are blessed with a youthful look, but over here, fillers, botox, lip plumpers, fake lashes, hair extensions and the works are the total norm. Everyone starts to look the same and it makes me wonder, is this ideal beauty?

I was watching SNL w Lindsay Lohan hosting last nite, she’s trying to make a comeback into the spotlight for the right reasons and truth be told, I used to be a huge fan. Lohan, now 25, seems to have aged so much more and over-compensated with work done to her face. Frankly speaking, I’m not a fan of the frozen upper lip and puffy cheeks. There’s nothing youthful about that. On the other hand, megastars like J-Lo are looking oh-so-phenomenal ( check out V Mag). That woman has not aged since she coined Jenny from the Block. To each their own, but natural beauty outweighs plasticized versions. Hands down.

Back to the real world, I myself struggle with my own issues, trying, testing new products to maintain that healthy glow, attempting to sleep earlier (memang fail) or eating healthier. Although I wish I had perfect this or taller that or bigger this and smaller that, my views have changed with age. I’m starting to enjoy the imperfections and getting older to me also means being more comfortable in my own skin. If you have body image issues, it’s one thing to work on them to benefit your health but for the little differences that make you unique, consider them as blessings. That’s what makes you special, no matter how old you are.

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September 9, 2008