Last week was a blast with so much stuff going on from the HKfilmart (thanks to Chowpatty for the invite) and meeting several people at the Japan Night.
Walking through the filmart we got to catch up with Patty Keung(not chow patty), but the wonderful Auntie Patty. I got to cruise with the legendary Gordon Liu, which words cannot describe. You just have to check out his showreel.
We mostly spoke about music which was odd. Cant' wait to hear him jam.
The three Chinateers.
Group shot this time with Frederic Ambroisine.
Bumped into a lot of friends new and old. I heard screaming from behind and it was Rene.
Another scream, but from a very familiar face. My old boss Bob Sheng. We worked together for a few years ( I must've been a pain in his ass) before I came back to HK. He continued to produce the movie THE WOMEN and the upcoming KING OF FIGHTERS. I begged him not to make it look like the current dragon ball or street fighter film. He went ahead and assured me it's DARK and VIOLENT and was happy with the directors cut. Could it be the first GOOD videogame movie?
After spending the whole day walking around, Chowpatty and I met up with my fiance Ida and headed over to Japan Night.
Got to meet up with Juju Chan(I stole this from your album) hee hee with Ida on the left.
Ida and I posing with Rob the most awesome clown around town.
Finally got to chat and talk with Chung Tsang.
Got to meet Kazuya(Japanese action director/actor) who wore this bad ass shirt and not understanding a word of it. Ida was able to talk to him in full Japanese. Thanks to JasmineTfor the introduction and hope to see you guys in Tokyo!
Group shot with mastermind Etchy, Kazuya and Mr.ass.
One more group shot with Chowpatty and Masae.
After that, good friend Jae Chongcame into town. I got to meet with him in the studio while he was working with Coco Lee. Later that night I met him at Racks which was having a 2nd anniversary. It was full on crazy. I'm just wondering who took pics? I remember somebody taking a bunch. Berton was that you? So, I got to talk with Grace Huang, Celina Jade, the CB fresh crew, Kevin Poon from Clot and Adrienne Lau. Too bad I couldn't drink. I was the driver that night. The jelly shots were so tempting.
At racks with Swing (music nation), chowpatty and Jae Chong (master of all asian music). A guy named Arne came up to me and was so pleased that I was wearing his shirt that he designed. GEARS OF WAR 2! Oh yea, such a small world. I lost his name card tho...
After that night Justin and I headed over to Macau to gamble and eat with my family. I lost like 800 hk dollars. Damn, I was so close to winning 100,000. So close. I'm going back to try my luck again soon. mwa ha ha.
I got back friday morning when all hell broke loose. Mario had to be rushed to the vet. I had no idea he'd end up going in for surgery and then a cosmetic surgery and finally cuttin' his balls off all at the same time.
The following is what happened to mario. The pictures are not for the faint of heart.
Mario had this lump on his head for a while. Basically that lump was a bite that got infected. It filled with blood to the point where it found a tunnel behind his ear and made its way to his cheek. So when i came back friday he scratched himself causing the cheek to flow with blood. thats when I rushed him down to the clinic.
It ends up that the skin on his cheek was dead skin, while the vet was trying to shave it. Chunks were taken off, then a cosmetic surgery had to be done even after taking the lump out.
In the meantime to save him from going for another surgery, the doc suggested I get his balls cut off.
Well, now mario is home and has a plastic pipe going through his neck to drain the blood and no balls left. He's happy, but I have to watch him real carefully for the next few days so that he won't scratch. This sucks, cause I can't meet friends that are in Jae (whose leaving soon).
The zombie dog with the cosmetic see the pipe going through? It's like someone got murdered in my apartment with blood everywhere. The look on peoples faces on the street were funny when I walked him back to the car.
The top view of his ear where the lump was taken out. You can see the trail of stiches which was the tunnel or basically a drain.
As you can see, he's quite active and checkin' out the bag from the HKfilmart.
Okay, now I gotta relax...and chill. I've just been watching mario with Ida all weekend with sleepless nights. I have to make sure he doesn't scratch or that'll be another story!
Time to catch up on some gaming now!
Due by Popular demand, here is Mario wearing his funnel hat.
Its the largest size since his neck is so thick. hahahaha. He hates it, so because of that, he has a message for you. Somebody has to be able to translate what he's saying.