2 blogs in one just because I owe you.Get ready for some epic stuff, or I should say J-Epic! Don't forget to check out the new music video I help direct and produce: "We are on the Starting Line."That explains the title of this blog, sort of.So...March and April just totally disappeared!! I've been working on tons of videos (2 music videos), a making of (album recording filming) and dealing with a lot of people and at the same time performing at my father's concert. It was pure chaos!Want to see what I've been up to? You ready for this epic blog? Alright here goes nothin'First up! Prepping for Aarif Lee's music video...or is it Aarif Rahman..or that guy who played Bruce Lee in the film last year "Bruce Lee my brother?"Whatever, it was a great opportunity to work on a video like this. It was a collaboration between the Hong Kong Jockey Club and Amusic and Fasttrack I just tried to do the best I could to keep everybody happy without trying to butcher the original idea.Ok ladies, let it out! Aarrrrifff....He was a cool dude on set. The idea was to just let him feel the song and let him do his thang."Don't hand me a mic" Despite all the stands around him. I brought in Derrick Fong to help out as well. Looking over the footage for the video, which by the way for the techies, was shot with 2 canon mark 3s and the making of with a Nikkon D4! POWERHaving a good laugh. Derrick and I testing out the Kessler Mini Jib. Touching and mic'in up Aarif's ass.The pretty boy in the middle!I gotta give a heads up and thank Eddie from 24 Herbs for suggestings this studio. The song has a really laid back, Usher kind of vibe, so rather than shooting at the racecourse I really wanted it darker and in a high ceiling studio. To marry the video with horse racing I always had the idea to use projection and thankfully the studio had a huge one which saved a lot of time and the pay off was just what I had in mind.The final video:Video: http://youtu.be/dIGBNsLrZeMUPDATE:For the China fans:Video: http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/402603During that post production I had to run off and film canto singer Mimi Lo. Great concert she put up. The making of music video should be up soon. I'll keep ya'll posted on that. After filming her it was time for dad's concert rehearsal (which I missed one day, lucky I caught the last day of it)!!In between the rehearsal and the show I had to shoot this guy! AgainAaron Kwok. As you can see he was always on the phone...he's like texting while posing.Then its back to the the stage rehearsal for dads show! This time the sound man gets to touch my ass. Go ahead. He's even like "Wow"In my mind I'm thinking "What am I going to edit tonight and work on before this show"Once I'm in stage mode all my work flies out the window, its time to jam with the family and have as much fun as I can.The stage for my dad show was more simple this time around, except for that giant ass leopard. The reason for the one side stage (normally its a 360' stage) was because of the tribute section for my Uncle who passed away last Nov. The show was really dedicated to him.Walking to the side of the stage. I think this is a tad too close to the audience, but during the real show, they loved it.Backstage we're always goofing around. This is our photographer Sam who you can thank for having all these pics.Making a goofy face with Uncle Michael.The one and only Justin Lim who ripped his jeans getting a little too excited. \In memory of my Uncle. He always used to make these cheap tee's with his photos, so I thought I'd return the favor back to him. :)He was also our vip in dad's dressing room. The smiling face just made my day every show.Back in the dressing room, chaos ensued:Getting ready for make up an lots n' lots of family and friends showing up. Barely noticeable is this man Alvin Wang from Amusic aka Mr. Depp. Giving me crap about shooting his artist Aarif from earlier. hahahah. The carebear, chow patty arrives and is in love with Justin.Simon Yin and Derrick Fong drop by to support my show. Thanks boys.Thanks to Clot for the gear: Jeans n' kicks. The tee is Christian Audiger and the jacket is mercibeaucoup. We had a special guest show up:MC Jin with his pretty purple hair. Having him hang out made the experience even more epic...it was J-epic!HE's a huge fan of my dad...he'll explain it to you. Meeting my dad...little did he know Jin would become part of the backstage circus and join us every night.Sneaking in the photo. Outside the crowd arrives...it was a full house every nightBack inside Jin meets up with Uncle Michael and my mom goofing around behind us.While everybody is chilling in the dressing room, Justin and I escape in the showers and practice our songs...I think he's trying to serenade me here though...Now, the moment....my mind is blank at this moment and its time to perform on stage. My dad doing his thing.Me trying to make the crowd grooveTribute part for Uncle Ricky.Video: http://youtu.be/NGJUMRI8tLoThe show was really great fun and dad did amazing. The crowd just did not want to leave!We had some special performance guest as well:The lovely Kay Tse with Jin still hanging with us. HAHAHAThe lovely Gigi Leung. She's performed with dad before and last time starred in a music back in 1999...boy time flies!With that I end on this note:Video: http://youtu.be/Gr0IU8dQggk