Official Artist
Sean Li
Actor , Model
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永久居留 Permanent Residence

永久居留Permanent Residence


導演丶編劇丶監製 :雲翔 Scud Cheng

演員 :李家濠(Sean) 洪智傑(Osman) 周德邦(Jackie) 劉裕康 (Hong)

上映日期 :  23/4/09






這是一個關於同性戀男子,與異性戀男子「談感情」的故事,也是一個關於「失去」 (loss)的故事。男主角 Ivan(李家濠飾 ),從小就不相信自己能活過 30歲,他迷戀死亡,也一直想求得「人死後往哪裡去」的解答。他認識了異性戀男子 Windson(洪智傑飾 ),兩人發展出一段刻骨銘心,卻相當艱困的戀愛。電影記述了 Ivan的過去丶現在,也預言了未來。SynopsisIvan (Sean) has been searching an answer to a lifetime question: Where will we be after the present life?

On the way, he went thru a difficult passion with Windson (Osman), a straight guy, made a longtime friendship with Josh (Jackie), a Palestinian, experienced the death of his beloved elderly, witness the wedding of his brother (Hong) and the birth of a nephew.

Eventually he designed a permanent residence at his own soil to host all his love ones for the next life, in case there is any, while his friend Josh created a home at the Dead Sea for those not so much loved.

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永久居留 Permanent Residence 看愛跨越生命 永久居留 4.23 公映 院線 香港 PALACE IFC UA 太古城中心 九龍 UA 朗豪坊 UA Megabox AMC 又一城 百老匯電影中心 The Grand Cinema

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April 14, 2009