Lately I’ve been watching the History Channel’s Gangland series on YouTube. It’s all about street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, and other such historically important phenomena.
Yeah, History Channel, I’m pointing at you. And not with my index finger.
I also went back and re-watched the classic 1996 HBO documentary Prisoners of the War on Drugs.
That’s the show that exposed Chris Rock (and the rest of us) to the Tossed Salad Man.
Another figure from that film was the ‘Grand Master of Meth’ Dennis Morrow, a person I always found to be highly amusing. When someone unironically refers to themselves as “the best methamphetamine producer that they have anywhere in this part of the Bible Belt,” I gotta love him.
Methamphetamine, or ‘crank,’ is one of the most disgusting drugs known to man. It’s made by combining quite a few household chemicals, any one of which is a lethal poison, with ephedrine. The leftovers are classified as toxic waste.
As one meth junkie said in a documentary, methamphetamine is “all impurity.”
As much of a dope fiend as I might have once been, I never wanted to go near that crap.
Today on CNN there’s a story about the Mexican army seizing 15 tons of methamphetamine.
That’s a lot of crank.
It’s enough to build a fence.
Which sounds like a weird idea.
Until you understand how it might best be used (@ 2:35):
God bless you Dennis Morrow, wherever you are.
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.