2013 was a pretty good year for local cinema.
There were quite a few good films, a handful of great ones, and, naturally, some not so great.
And there were some real turds too.
So here, from worst to best, are my most memorable films of the year:There are links to each review on their thumbnails, and in the descrīption of each of those reviews there is a link to the written version.
If you’re reading this, you may already have read those, but I like to encourage literacy whenever possible.
Just for the sake of thoroughness, here are the best, the middle, and the worst:
———-Best (#1-#5) **———-**
Doomsday Party/末日派對
The Way We Dance/狂舞派
Rigor Mortis/殭屍
**———- I Enjoyed It (no particular order) ———-**
Ip Man Final Fight/葉問: 終極一戰
A Secret Between Us/第一次不是你
The Last Tycoon/大上海
Tales From the Dark 1& 2 李碧華鬼魅系列:迷離夜
Mr. & Mrs. Player/爛滾夫鬥爛滾妻
Blind Detective/盲探
Young and Dangerous: Reloaded/古惑仔: 江湖新秩序
The White Storm/掃毒
Out Of Inferno/逃出生天
Badges of Fury/不二神探
Hotel Deluxe/百星酒店
Princess And Seven Kungfu Masters/笑功震武林
***———-I Was * Disappointed (no particular order) ———-**
SDU: Sex Duties Unit/飛虎出征
Hardcore Comedy/重口味
Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon (狄仁杰之神都龙王)
Special ID/特殊身份
***———-* Go F@#$ Yourself (worst to simply awful) ———-**
The Stolen Years/被偷走的那五年
Switch/天機: 富春山居圖
Baby Blues/詭嬰
The Best Plan Is No Plan/溝女不離三兄弟
The Midas Touch/超級經理人
Drug War/毒戰
The Grandmaster/一代宗師
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.