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A Great AnD Day

Earlier this week (read: I can't remember which day), I met up with AnD artist Mimi Leung to catch up on what's new and to help her with some heavy-lifting type stuff.

It's the Polish national pastime, and considering I weighed a multiple of the stuff, it was hardly work.Mimi's artwork hypnotizes me. Something about it compels me to look at it.

She's pretty good to look at too. I could do a lot worse for companionship, especially in public. The assumptions of bypassers were certainly inaccurate, but obliquely flattering nonetheless. We had lunch in LCX (that's where the stuff was), and then went to Central to drop it off.

We even took the ferry like any (assumed) couple should.

We had coffee and talked about all and sundry. Mimi and I share an interest in music that might be called obsessive, but we like to think of it simply as enthusiasm. It also simplifies things: music either sucks or is life-affirming.

We are also the same way about movies. Naturally, we headed to HMV, because, well, we like movies. She asked me about which movies she ought to watch and/or own, and I prattled on for much too long.

In the end, she did buy Raging Bull, which, reflexive iconoclast that I am, I can concede is indeed, as its blurb claims, one of the best films ever made.

Mimi left for home, which I also probably should have done.

Since we're not really a couple I didn't have to accompany her home.

But I am so rarely in Central, and so far from Tai Wai, that I figured I ought to stay there. Especially since it was getting on to rush hour, when returning home would be not so much commuting as penitence.

I'm glad I stayed.

As I walked around, I noticed someone who looked a lot like 24 Herbs' Phat.

It washim.

We talked about his tattoo book, my new tattoo, and of course the upcoming LMF shows.

I am fannishly happy to know that I can go see LMF live in Hong Kong.

It turned out that he was waiting for the rest of LMF to arrive, as they had an appearance to do at Watermark.  Slowly but surely, the rest of them did arrive. 

I found myself surrounded by LMF.

It was one of those "Is this really my life?" moments. Even though I can't understand 99% of their lyrics, I still love their music, and I enjoy the fact that they rankle so many people.

So for me to stand there talking to them, and having met most of them before anyway such that theyrecognized me, was almost surreal.

Being able to say "I know LMF" is strange, but in a good way. That they know me is even stranger.

It's one of those moments I use to remind myself how great my life actually is.

For (Western) New Year, make sure you get rid of your hangover by the 2nd of January. When LMF takes the stage that night in Kowloon Bay, you're going to want to remember every second of it.

Alivenotdead started as a networking site for like-minded people in Hong Kong. I've admitted before that I joined because I needed to find like-minded people (well, those not already institutionalized, anyway). I needed to find friends.I have.My life is better because of the people who run, contribute to, and visit this website.Thank you.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
nice :)
over 15 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Nice that AnD is giving you what you were looking for.
over 15 years ago


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