PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISKNow that I have your attention...Recently I was the butt (!) of a joke posted by someone who shall remainanonymous.
But I guess the best (or worst) part of the joke is, it doesn't apply to me.
I swear on last Christmas that I actually have absolutely no photographs (or video; I was kidding) of naked women on my computer.
Not even of the little Japanese Christmas elf, and she told me it wasokay .
How sad is that? The only naked pictures in my computer are of naked wood that I fantasize about making into guitars.The closest thing I could find was in the My Pictures sub-folder Jokes.
Like many of us (I hope), I have... interestingfriends.
They send me things that are... funny.
To them.
And, usually, to me too. Why lie about it?
I occasionally reciprocate these emails, but there was one incident with a good friend who was... not offended, but horrifiedat something I sent him, and told me I could either keep sending him things or remain friends with him, but not both.
The photo in question is nearly immaterial. It was two women engaged in a (very?) unusual (and to me absolutely unappealing) activity, but the value (!) of it to me was the absolute "Ho hum, another day at the office" look on one of the women's face. I thought it hilarious, Dave found it disturbing.Ye gods, what a filthy digression. Then again, we're talking about such things.
So why not look at some of them?Second Warning: Don't say I didn't tell you.Qualifier: Trust me, these are the harmless ones.This first photo does not contain nudity, only an
impression thereof:Of course it was safe sex; that's aVolvo.Lord knows I am a fan of the bare midriff. But generally, I prefer
femaleones. Still, this guy gets credit for creativity and his obvious love for cats:
Following on that one, the subject of this next photo pun seems as enthused about its condition as I am about the punned act itself
While we're (vaguely) on the subjects of tattoos and depilatory behavior, let's see one on a girl. For the sake of propriety, I've added my own little censorship that may also be subliminal wish fulfillment:
All I can say about this photo is...
Canadian porn?
I leave you today with my favorite adult joke photo. It's actually a cover scan of an AV. I've never seen it, and have no desire to (or to have a dinner interview with the protagonist).
But I admit it would be a fun one to have on the shelf just for people to notice:
So there you go; the full extent of human nudity on my computer, and I'd like to think we're all in agreement that little if any of it has any prurient purpose or use. In other words, I have no 'naked women' on my computer.Of course, if anyone really feels really bad for me,
or wants to make a liar of me, there are ways.I hate to resort to threats, but all's fair in humor:
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.