Official Artist
Sean Tierney
Actor , Screenwriter , Musician , Comedian , Author
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A Pathetic Return to (Predictable) Form

I try not to profane God, but Jesus F@#$ing Christ. All alliteration aside, it's a good thing her name's not Betty. Or Fatima. Or Suzie. I enjoyed watching Kate Tsui in Eye in the Sky.

I also enjoyed watching her fitness dance commercials.

I wish I had them on a loop.

So I was quite pleasantly surprised (and visibly excited) to see this new promotional flat outside every DVD shop I visit in Hong Kong.

Because that means I have that many more chances tosteal one.

I asked all the shops if I could buy one, but they all said no.

I'll just wait a few weeks.

I find this image inspirational. And I feel certain that my response is the intended one.

Well, probably not my urge to eat 豆腐花 out of her navel, but I think you know what I mean.The first night I saw this promo 'flat', there was a rainstorm going on.

So I know it's waterproof, and thank God for that.I must admit, when I see these women (with no rump to shake) grinding their way through some faux-R&B video (as this one is running in all those same DVD shop windows at typical deathvolume), it makes me laugh; its all artifice and no substance, and it looks grossly contrived. To me it's laughable.

But that doesn't mean I should be left alone with that photograph.

I just don't see any authenticity in their overtly sexual movements.

And I won't until one of them f@#$s me.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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she does have good waist movement... honed from hours and hours of diet center commercials...
over 15 years ago


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