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Back to HK

I am, as of yesterday, back home.

I did laundry, checked email, and went to bed early.

One (of the many) good thing about my trip is that it got me over the insomnia I was suffering. Traipsing about in equatorial heat will do that for you, I guess.

The trip home was uneventful, try as I did to get arrested.

Look, I really do try to not be prejudiced, and I realized that Ugly Americans Abroad are a common sight.

But I learned the hard way yesterday not to leave 16″ between myself and the conveyor belt where your carry-on comes through the x-ray.

Because if you do, one of Mao’s Rednecks will cut in front of you, since you obviously wanted him to by not denying him any opportunity to do so.

It felt oddly exhilarating to find myself loudly uttering “Move, f@#$hole!” and shouldering him out of the way.

Frankly, I think that fence they use to keep people in could use some tightening up.

And people wonder why I never visit China.

Why pay a cover charge for asthma and irritation? I get that here for free.

Speaking of irritation, I had the same problem on this flight as I did the last time I came back from SG. The person in front of me reclined their seat such that I couldn’t see the screen in the headrest.

Well, I could see it, I just couldn’t see what was on it.

But I wasn’t watching it anyway.

I got up early this morning, had breakfast with Rick my chiropractor/friend/Gym Fuhrer, and we went to the gym at around 1pm.

On my way home, I stopped at Price Rite and bought a set of shelves for my TV/computer/DVD player/printer/speakers.

The shelves are huge, but I like them, and they will last forever. They also put my TV 48″ off the ground, so my neck will not suffer from watching it.

My house is a mess, but I expect it to be that way for a few months, since I have to empty my office (2,000 DVDs, etc.) into this <400 sq. ft. space.

I’m working on new living quarters, and will keep you abreast (!) of new developments.

I need to go to sleep soon; Grandpa has to get his rest, especially after such a big day…

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i need something for DVD and CD storage for my new place... i'm trying to find a cheaper alternative to Ikea but w/ no luck...
almost 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i don't get the concept of cutting in line at the X-Ray machine... don't people understand that its First-in, first-out? standing closer to the exit won't make your bag come out before mine! &gt;:-P (i think habits are just hard to break)
almost 15 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Funny thing about travel curing insomnia. I had terrible insomnia for about 4 years before I went to HK (only able to sleep 3-5 hrs/per night). Then I went through 2-12 hr time changes in 11 days. My body gave up trying to figure out what time it was &quot;back home&quot; and just went with the flow after 2 days. I was able to sleep for 7-8 hours each and every night (walking 6-8 hrs a day didn't hurt) and, miracle of miracles, when I got home I've been able to sleep all but 1 night for 2 solid months. If I'd know this was the way to cure insomnia, I'd have traveled to HK years ago! I guess Americans are better about airport security because we get so damn much practice. On the way home, I noticed what patty-cake security they have at the HK airport. Then I arrived at O'Hare and was reminded what Homeland Security has done to make air travel so damned much fun in the US. :)
almost 15 years ago


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