I'm old (enough), grumpy (to spare), and an educator.
Basic grammar/vocabulary:tweet·er –nounA small loudspeaker designed for the reproduction of high-frequency sounds.
Tweeters tweet, like birds do.
Twitters can't tweet; that verb is taken.twit–verb1. to taunt, tease, ridicule, etc., with reference to anything embarrassing; gibe at.
to reproach or upbraid.–noun3. an act of twitting.
a derisive reproach; taunt; gibe.
an insignificant or bothersome person.
I'd say that twitcan (and should be) more a noun anda verb (like Donnie Yen).
Why not? The other "tw-vowel-t" word can be used as a verb too (British slang).
It's time to call a spade a spade.
And a hoe a hoe.
Someone said to me that I should tweet. I'm already bitter and crass and miserable enough; why put it in writing?
Misery loves company, not an audience.
Besides, I'd just constantly fight off the urge to twit "F@#$ you."
At least 24 times a day.
Just on principle.
I refuse to think of myself as even nearlyworthy or important or interesting or bearable enough that anyonewould want to know what I was thinking this instant.
I'll make it easy.
Sean is angry.
Copy that, or write it to yourself in an SMS, and call it up whenever you may be wondering what I'm thinking or feeling.
And then say out loud "I have way too much free f@#$ing time on my hands."
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.