I was a bit stumped as far as a costume for Halloween.
Then I had an idea, and I am happy to announce that it will work and I have already assembled (or already own) all the components.
I went to Allied Plaza today and dropped off a HK$29 shirt from Fa Yuen St. to have HK$380 worth of embroidering:
Mine is roughly the same color, but will have 'Eddie' and the VH logo embroidered directly to the shirt in white.
I admit this may be a bit of an easy out, but it does have the added advantage of giving me an excuse to bring out the
Less Paul for people to see.
If a man stares at this image long enough, he will eventually realize there is a guitar in it.
I even bought a micro amp to go with the mini guitar:
How small is it? This small:
And I get to f@#$ up a pair of jeans.
So when you see me at the party, ask me to play '316' or the intro to 'Summer Nights,' or 'You Really Got Me' or 'Hot for Teacher' (I should be so lucky) modulated up a minor 3rd, or do some finger tapping.
That's not a euphemism.
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.