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HKAFF Viewings

I apologize for a criminally short entry here, but my life has refused to come out of 5th gear lately...

I have been viewing lots of movies at the HK Asian Film Festival.

Most of them are Sion Sono (he directed Love Exposure) films: Hazard, Biciycle Sighs, Into A Dream, Suicide Club.

Yesterday I saw Mother, a Korean Film, and Air Doll, a Japanese film about a blow-up doll who comes to life. Not as salacious as you'd think, and a very good film. The cinematography was excellent.

There are very likely other films I saw that I can't remember, but as I said my brain is a mess lately from over-use and medication to combat the deleterious (!) effects of an unfortunate spike in pollution levels.

I enjoyed all the movies, and I am, as usual, grateful to Kevin 'Golden Rock' Ma for making sure the Absent-Minded Professor got to see these films. Without his help, I'd be sitting at home in my flat, staring at Kate Tsui.Not that there's anything wrong with that...

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Dsc 1374
suicide club!!
over 15 years ago


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