I know I need to blog about a few things, chief among them the Dear Jane gig at CUHK.
I put up those movie reviews because they had been sitting in my Draft folder. I have done f@#$-all else because I have felt like dog sh*t since Thursday morning.
I went to Andrew Lin's opening, and while it was warm and humid to an uncomfortable degree, I was still very glad to show support and have a chance to appear far, far more cultured than I really am.
It's always nice to talk to Desmond So and Grace Huang, and it's nice to see Gloria Wong too!
Afterward, I went to the party and enjoyed myself immensely, as per usual.
I got to see lots of my AnD friends, and meet some new ones, including Sarah Lian (who is a pretty good political analyst no matter what she says) and Celina Jade (she was not impressed that I'd seen all her films, just shocked).
I saw Kelvin Avon and ended up giving him a t-shirt I had bought for another friend. You'll know which one when you see photos.
I mixed, I mingled, I talked, I tingled, and still and all, I remained single.
That, however, is not what the subject of this blog refers to!
Between the music so loud I had to shout to be heard and the cigarette smoke at Rack's, I woke up Thursday with a brand new sinus infection. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
It was worth it, though, to see people I knew and meet people I didn't, and I have to say that I enjoyed nearly everything about the evening. The only thing I didn't enjoy was being told, after I volunteered my leg as a target for Race Wong's viciously studded shoes to see what kind of pattern it would make, was being dismissively told by some metrosexual that those shoes were worth much more than my leg.
I'm a better person than I used to be, and while I was sorely tempted to let this person have both barrels, I decided (in the name of decency and kindness, and not getting blood on Race), to say and do nothing. Frankly, I was so taken aback by such a snobby comment that I wasn't even sure howto respond.
But that doesn't make him any less of a jerkoff.So aside from Captain C*ck, I want to thank everyone at Andrew's opening and the AnD party for making me feel more social than I have any right to (especially after reading the above vituperations).
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.