Official Artist
Sean Tierney
Actor , Screenwriter , Musician , Comedian , Author
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I'm only doing this because Victoria Lee tagged me. I have no problem with people ridiculing me, but please don't use inappropriate language. Vickie deserves that much.

EVER: ➖Snuck out: Of a country? ➖Broken a bone: Several. One was even my own. ➖Been arrested: Never got caught. ➖Felt lonely: I knew an exotic dancer named Lonely. Never touched her, though. WHAT'S YOUR: ➖Birthday: August 2, 1966. ➖Biggest fear: Fire. ➖Dream job: Professional @sshole ➖Dream car: Limousine. I sleep, someone else drives. ➖Dream house: A trailer in the middle of 10,000 acres of forest. DO YOU: ➖Like someone: Nick Cheung Kar Fai is a good actor and director. ➖Love someone: Yes. ➖Have tattoos: A couple dozen. ➖Have piercings: Ear was pierced, but it closed. With the earring in it. ➖Party: Not any more. FAVORITE: ➖Artist: Norman Rockwell ➖Movie: Yellowbeard ➖Song: Highway to Hell ➖Netflix series: Don’t watch TV ➖Book: Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ‘72 ➖Colour: Green
➖Animal: Any dog over 110 lbs. THIS OR THAT: ➖Twitter or Facebook: Twitter ➖Twitter or Instagram: Twitter ➖Facebook or Instagram: Facebook ➖Coke or Pepsi: Coke Zero, in the single-serving 2-liter bottle ➖Tea or coffee: Whichever has more caffeine ➖Tacos or pizza: Tacos ➖Winter or summer: Winter WOULD YOU EVER: ➖Get married: I did once. It sucked. ➖Have kids: For dinner. If they’re cooked right. ➖Swim with sharks: I already told you about my marriage ➖Eat rotten food: See above ➖Marry a foreigner: Maybe Mick Jones, but definitely NOT Lou Gramm

almost 9 years ago 24 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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