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Sean Tierney
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Less Finished Than Done

Last week, right around my birthday, I decided that the lacquer on my Less Paul was dry enough, and I wet-sanded it and buffed it out. I didn't take any pictures, because it's a very messy process involving lots of soapy water and sandpaper and elbow grease.

Which makes it sound like an alligator's pedicure, I suppose.

But after I got the lacquer all smooth and shiny, and waxed it up nice and glossy, I assembled the guitar and did the electrical wiring (I must be getting better, as it was right on the first try), strung it up and have been playing it for a few days.

It is still settling in, getting used to the string tension, etc. But it is a lot of fun to play, it looks very nice, sounds great, and it came out as good or better than I had hoped.I owe my success with this project to a lot of people, but chief among them Michael Stoos, my former boss and mentor at Designs in Wood in Portsmouth, RI. It's where I learned how to do woodworking and turn designs (or ideas) into wooden reality.

Thanks Michael![](/attachments/2009/08/09/18/71157_200908091827391.thumb.jpg)"I hope he doesn't f@#$ this up like he used to..."So here is my newest guitar, the Less Paul, that started as the piece of wood Michael is holding in the above photo.

Who wants to use it in an MV?

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Gorgeous. I can't wait to hear a sound file and hear how it sounds. I hope it shows up in a music video; it is so beautiful, and cute, to boot.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i want to see some video of you trying to play it... for comedy purposes if nothing else.
over 15 years ago


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