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Sean Tierney
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Movie Review: Lives in Flames/起勢搖滾

I watched this in April at the Dynasty. It was the other main instigator in my decision to scale back my viewing of movies I knew were going to suck.

I just recently noticed that this was released to DVD.

So here’s my PSA.

Lives in Flames/起勢搖滾, starring Mr., is as good as Mr.’s music.

How good is their music? They sound just as good as Bon Jovi.

And I do mean just as good.

How believable is **Lives in Flames/起勢搖滾 ?**

In the film, this woman  

has dated this guy

for six years.

During which he has no job, no money, and no career ambitions (i.e. no blind worship of capitalism with which to fund her patently obvious and utterly justified need to be showered with luxury gifts).

Yeah. Sure. Okay. Happens all the time. Especially in Hong Kong.

How well is Lives in Flames/起勢搖滾 written?

Apparently, being good at Guitar Hero-like video games makes you a great guitar player with real guitars.

Yeah, and doinking blow-up dolls makes you good at f@#$ing, too.

How clear is the plot (of a film obviously made for teenagers)?

Four people, all with advanced degrees, had to have a group discussion after the film to figure out the f@#$ing story.

The film’s biggest redeeming value is the narrative moment in which the band not only turns the critical corner, but art reflects life with terrifying clarity. 

Is it hard work and perseverance that catapult Mr. to fame? 

Non-stop practice and touring?

Writing songs too good to ignore?


That only happensoutside Hong Kong.

In the big scene, Alan Tam is looking for the next singer to manufacture and turns to his colleagues and says simply “Hmm, bands are big this year. We should get one.”

Luckily, the guitar player is working as a PA and just happens to be there to take advantage of this big ‘break.’

Thirty seconds later, they’re playing to a packed coliseum, dressed like Liberace’s wet dream and spewing out their own particular brand of ‘rock,’ i.e. Cantopop with slightly louder drums.

It tickled me that this supposedly poignant moment was played with no irony whatsoever, and the grossly crass nature of it shines through like the light of truth.

What’s right with it is the clarity with which it portrays all that is wrong about it.

I will admit, it was nice to see members of Hardpack in cameos, and watching Candy Lo is a hobby, so there was that.

Otherwise, Lives in Flames/起勢搖滾 might best be described as a painful burning itch.

$40 is the cheapest I’ve ever paid to get that, but it was still just as irritating.

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Hey man, don't dash my dreams of dating Jeana Ho with your harsh dose of realism.
almost 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Btw, catch Mr. At the hong kong jockey club on June 20th!
almost 13 years ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
you juz make me so wanna watch
almost 13 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Sean--the irony of Mr. is that Alan Tam did give them their big break. They sang at some party he threw/attended (don't remember, don't really care) and he was the one that promoted them. Mr. is signed to Universal now--which explains a lot about why they release the type of music they do now.
over 12 years ago
Photo 505164
I watched this on the plane ride back from Italy. It was a decent alternative to the movie I had attempted watching just before. I tried watching "The Viral Factor" as the last flic before landing, but got 30 minutes into it before I almost vomited on myself from near overdose of badly written exposition and mediocre action sequences. So on a positive note it was far more watchable than Viral Factor, but then again a lot of that has to do with the fact that I'll gladly watch most any film with Jeana in it. Good to see the guys from Hardpack and Kolor in cameos. And props to Alex Lam on getting a role in the flic. Always like to support folks from the Peel Fresco scene when I can. On an interesting note, it wasn't until I watched this flic that I realized the dudes that were walking into the Alive Not Dead Anniversary party in front of me were Mr. That all being said it was one of the worst music movies I've ever seen, but it was a music movie when I needed one. haha
over 12 years ago


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