10 years ago, Dante Lam gave us
Naked Ambition, a story about two young men who published a magazine -style guide to prostitutes in Hong Kong.
Nowadays you can just use the internet. From what I’ve read.
It was Category III and so is the sequel.
In Naked Ambition 2/3D豪情, a young man played by Chapman To (see? that’s funny right there) named Chan Wai Man (get it?) loses his job writing soft porn for a magazine and decides to seek his fortune elsewhere.
He heads north… To Japan. And ends up becoming an AV sensation.
See? That’s funny.
Actually, it is funny.
I laughed a lot more than I expected to when I saw Naked Ambition 2/3D豪情.
Chapman To is basically being Chapman To, but as I always say, Chapman To is funny.
And the movie indulges in what I call, for lack of a better term, adult humor. There are certain kinds of jokes you can only make in Category III, and this movie makes a ton of them. It keeps the movie light, which I really enjoyed.
I also enjoyed the guilty pleasure of laughing at bodily function jokes.
I’m immature like that. And a lot of other ways.
After Wyman’s first AV experience goes south, he seeks the guidance of a master.
Whom does he study next to?
It’s a guy, so I can’t say studies under. That would just be gross.
If you’ve seen the trailer, you know.
Taka Kato plays himself, the man they call Goldfinger, the king of digital manipulation.
I don’t mean CGI.
Under Goldfinger’s tutelage, Wyman become an AVIP (sorry) He ends up being managed by Josie Ho, who plays a Hong Kong person living in Tokyo.
I think maybe she has Tourette’s or something, because she’s completely and chronically foul-mouthed. It was great. But she’s also vulnerable, in that way that totally psycho women are, (from what I’ve read), and it would be really hard not to like her character.
It would be hard to date that character, but to enjoy the performance it’s totally safe. She’s the emotional center of Naked Ambition 2/3D豪情, and provides it with a little weight where it is otherwise just fluff.
Wyman has a girlfriend in Hong Kong, who’s not so sure about his new job.
She’s also the only woman in the f@#$ing movie to do a sex scene with her bra on. In the f@#$ing shower.
But never mind, because there are a lot of professionally naked women in Naked Ambition 2/3D豪情.
We see a lot of breasts, and the occasional bit of pubic hair.
If Category III can have anything said in its defense, it at least allows haam sup lo to see these AV stars’ pubes for perhaps the first time.
There are cameos aplenty in the movie, including Wong Jing, Sandra Ng, Louis Koo, and Charlene Choi as a Fujianese hooker working in Japan.
She was really good in the role, because listening to her talk for 30 seconds was enough to drive me batsh*t.
There was a joke at Dada Chen’s expense, and I was very happy to hear it.
In fact, I was happy just about the whole time I was watching this movie.
Only one scene seemed to drag, and it was early, so the rest of it was just fun.
Naked Ambition 2/3D豪情 doesn’t take itself seriously and it’s willing to laugh at itself.
Thank God for that.
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.