Okay, big disclaimer time:
I slept through a lot of this movie.
But I was very grateful to do so.is more like it.(蕩寇), with HK's own Anthony Wong Chau San, was one of the most confounding, pointless, infuriating wastes of time I have been through since I was
All I have to say to 'director' Yu Lik Wai is "You lick ass and I don't care why."
Maybe Plastic Cityis a scat film. As far as I can tell, it tries really hard to sht in your mouth after shtting all over your eyes.
I've passed out drunk in parks filled with pigeons and gotten sh*t on less.And enjoyed myself more.
The biggest transgression for me is that it has artistic pretensions; it oozes (!) "I'm so artsy and meaningful" grue (look it up) while being neither.This 'movie' is unwatchable, unbearable, and intolerable.There's no story, no plot, and the characters are not even unlikeable. Because to dislike them would imply that you had any emotion, attachment, or involvement with them at all, and they all make it impossible to do so. I remember at one point being woken by The Golden Rock (who's a sleeping-in-the-movie-MFer if ever the was one) because I was snoring. I vaguely recall a character talking about raining vengeance upon people or some other similar histrionic crap. You know what you see next?
Parkour. Their vengeance is wreaked by jumping around on buildings.
Are you f@#$ing kidding me???
I told my friends that I was going back to sleep and if they woke me again I would kill them. I didn't wake up until the credits, and thank God for that.
So I admit, I slept through a lot of this movie. But my Movie Night companions were all jealous. And I keep getting text messages from lots of people that read "Plastic City - WTF? Avoid if possible!"
If we had watched this travesty at the Dynasty, it would have been great. I could have castigated this film out loud for its entire running time, which is slightly less time than it deserved to be ridiculed.
I'm certainly not the one to tell you what art is. But I can tell you that artistic doesn't mean shallow, derivative, pointless, laughable wallowing in self-indulgent and vacuous celluloid masturbation. Next time, use a mirror and not a window.
The previous sentence contains more wit, allegory and symbolism than Plastic City does.On the bright side, it's another vote for Wong Jing as Director of the Year, or at least Director of Movies Even Vaguely Worth Watching.
If I have directly or indirectly offended any AnD artists involved in the making, distribution, or promotion of Plastic Citywith this screed, well... tough shit. You offended the f@#$ out of mewith this sh*t sandwich of a movie.
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.