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Movie Review: Vengeance/ 復仇

I saw this film back at the beginning of the Summer HKIFF.  I put off the review because I was feeling ambivalent.

In some ways, I feel that a review of Vengeanceis rather superfluous; it's a Johnnie To movie. That idea speaks for itself.

But that idea also carries both positive and negative connotations.

Sometimes a Johnnie To movie is great because of the director.

Sometimes it's not that great because of the director.

First, let me say this film is better than Linger. Before that one, I would have thought Mr. To couldn't make a bad film. I was wrong. The bad taste from Linger... lingered.

He was back to form with Sparrow. But again, that form is part of the problem.

Over the last few years, Johnnie To's movies have become "Johnnie To movies." They're recognizable by their good and bad attributes.

Vengeanceis beautifully filmed and very well-executed and an absolute pleasure to look at.This film is almost pornographically stylish. It is technically brilliant and enrapturing.

But only until people talk, because it is also almost completely devoid of substance. There's not much story, and what little of it there is seems to be an afterthought, or actually not thought out at all.

I admit, the idea of a French protagonist in an 'action' film is hard for me to swallow; when I saw a Frenchman with a gun in Vengeance, I instinctively expected him to drop it and put his hands up.

Not to mention that Johnny Halliday is old. I'm getting there my damn self, but Monsieur Hallyday is tres vieux. He's so old you can't help but know there's a stuntman or three doing the tough bits."Excusez-moi... Ou est la salle de bain?"I feel bad being less than effusive about a Johnnie To movie, especially since he's one of the last great directors Hong Kong has. 

But that doesn't mean he gets a pass. This film is not really engaging beyond the visual aspect. It's hard to care about these people at all.

That said, it's a blast to look at.

And not just for the Jo Koo cameo. She's what Ricky Bobby called "A tractor-beam of hotness."

I would encourage you to watch the film in theatres because, as I said, it's magnificent looking. It's fun, and a nice distraction, but it's nowhere near The Mission.On a more 'localized' note, go see the film and watch for the AnD 'Easter egg' surprise in the end credits. It will make the film more fun, even retroactively. It might even make you want to see it again.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 58618
Is it just me or when he's got producer credit on anything but his own films, it's better to stay away. And did they get stuntman-Halliday to kick some ass kung-fu style or something?
over 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
yeah, that easter egg surprise does want me to watch it again, at least listen to it again.
over 15 years ago
Photo 43244
the worst line in the move: WHAT IS REVENGE? I spit out my pepsi and popcorn combo laughing at it....
over 15 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
When you are such a prolific director, you lose your focus from time to time. Perhaps this was also an attempt at a more commercial film, aimed at the American and US markets. Its hard to know. Also, directing dialog in a foreign language (and one that you don't really speak yourself) can't be easy. Add to that a "star" and half of the cast who are also uneasy in English, well, you see why the emphasis was on the look and not the dialog here. I always wonder how all those HK directors manage to direct films in Mandarin. They are always interviewed speaking Cantonese, not Mandarin. :-) It sounds like its time to pay the bills again at Milkyway--I hear that a New Year's film is forthcoming. More throwaway fluff, to be sure, but at least it should be funny.
over 15 years ago


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