I finally got My Music straightened out (see upper right), and in celebration (?) I put up a couple of new-to-you songs.
They are both original compositions, though the first one is really more of a songthan the other.
"Wasted" is a song I wrote a long time ago. It only got called Wastedfor the specific project I was involved in; it needs a vocal melody and therefore new lyrics.
"Loud Velvet" is essentially five-plus minutes of me going 'weedly-weedly-weedly' over chord changes. But it was something I captured without meaning to record; I was in the habit of taping my practice (remember tape?), and this ended up on there. It's all improvised. The guitar sound improves markedly about 0:20 in.
Improve of course being a highly relative term.
I'd like to also take a moment and say a big thank you to Josie Ho, whose exhortation heremade me feel all warm and fuzzy. I quote:Screw " Lang Mo"!!!!!!!!!
Screw sleazy chicks!!
I had no idea that my entire adult life (pun distended) was in fact dedicated to some higher social purpose: I've been trying to screw sleazy chicks ever since I found out about the possibility.
I promise each and every one of you you that I will devote a lot of time and energy to this cause and do my best to screw as many of them as I can.
Not that it makes them, or me, a bad person.Well, it makes them a bad person if they don't let me.
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.