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One For Bad Boy Ben

Recently Ben Lo blogged about one of his favorite cars, a 1975 Celica.I'm old enough that it looked familiar.

I always re ad Ben's blog because his greatest passion in life is[if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument <![endif]


drinking cars. His blogs are full of great photos and stories, and I am always amazed at the cars he shows us. I love looking at them.Cars are one of my rather dichotomous likes.For example, I think watches look amazing.On other people.I hate wearing them. But I'll browse the watch counters and stores for hours.I love to look at cars too.Buying, maintaining, driving and insuring them I can do without.So the other night I was waiting in Causeway Bay for my bus home and I saw something that reminded me of Ben's blog entry.I have no earthly idea what car this is, and my sh*tty phone camera photos don't help, but I wanted to at least try to get a picture of it. Luckily traffic was at a standstill for the most part.Until I got my phone out.This is the most 'legible' of the photos. Note the impressionist motorcycles.I don't know if Ben can tell what kind of car it is, but I figured I wanted to at least show him. Old cars are rare in Hong Kong, so this one stuck out like a white guy in a Chinese band.That's not a euphemism.

over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
...&quot;like a White guy in a Chinese band&quot;, I hear you. How about being the White chic at the Leslie Cheung commemorations... with blond hair! You're not self-conscious in the least, until someone shows you a picture of the event, and then you feel like you are part of those pictures they give little kids labeled: &quot;What doesn't belong in this picture?&quot; Too bad the photo is so blurred, I might have been able to help you out with the car. Can you tell what vintage it was and what make? If you have that, you can google it and see what comes up (if you really, really want to know). When I blogged about an old car my boyfriend had while I was in grad school in the early 80s (a 1973 Nova, a.k.a. The Green Bomb), I had no picture of it, but found one (though, sadly, in a different color) through Google.
over 14 years ago
Photo 80575
Goddamn are you testing me? From the looks of it , it doesn't really look like an old car, more like a hatchback ... a Volkswagen Golf GTI or something ... hahaha ... but that's just a speculation on the car shape. Thanks for always checking out my blog!
over 14 years ago


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