Apparently, at the National Zoo in Washington DC, a young female deer (a doe) made the terminal mistake of jumping into an enclosure with two female lions.
Darwinism ensues.
There is no graphic content in this video, just nature as God intended it to be.I'd have paid money to watch that show.
The deer, although separated from the lions, was later euthanized because its injuries were too severe. Which is just as well. None of the other deer would ever believe her war story:
"No, I swear to Christ, I was attacked by two f@#$ing lions... I barely made it out with my @ss...""Eat sh*t, you probably got scratched by a fence."
"No, really..."
I like how the people are all cheering for the deer, hoping it escapes this cruel joke of fate.
F@#$ that.
I was cheering for the lions. It's probably the most fun they've had in their entire lives,though they were probably a little confused at first:
"This ain't no motherf@#$in' gazelle.. What the f@#$ is this???"
You can see it in their eyes as they watch the deer swimming:
"I wish a motherf@#$er wouldcome out of that water onto some dry land... I'm 'a tear you a new @sshole, so help me God..."The crowd was quickly dispersed as the zoo authorities sought to grapple with this weird yet totally natural issue. They isolated the lions before attempting a rescue of the deer.
As the lions were led back into their enclosures, they turned to the crowd and threw lion gang signs:
"Top of the food chain, biatch!!!" Don't feel bad for the deer. DC is overrun with them, and this deer was only going to end up as an organic hood ornament on a Volvo anyway. Sadly, I am sure the zookeepers didn't even have the common courtesy to let the lions eat the deer they killed.God forbid we encourage predators to act like... predators. You know, eating what they kill and all.I know from experience that venison is tasty, but the best venison comes from a deer you killed yourself. I'm sure the lions had something to say about it at their next meal:
"F@#$ you andyour hamburger. Bring me that little motherf@#$er I killed this afternoon. F&#$ that, just bring yournarrow @ss a little bit closer. I dareyou, mother f@#$er..."
Besides, what the hell else would they do with the deer carcass?I'm dedicating this one to the two female lions:
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.