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SARFT Automates

Did you ever stop to think about how awful it must have been to have to sit through Lust Caution and decide just how much of it to get rid of?

Can you imagine having to tell directors how to construct or modify films when you have absolutely no experience or education in filmmaking?

For some people, this horrible existence is all too real.

But now, thanks to technology (even if it does come from a morally corrupt nation of imperialists), we no longer need actual humans sifting through potentially 'offensive' film content.

Thanks to a contract with America's Eventide corporation, China's SARFT (State Administration of Radio, Film & Television) has made a technological breakthrough in the process of 'harmonization' (i.e. taking out all the unacceptable bits from media). What used to take years (or appeared to take years so you could stall a release until interest died) can now be accomplished in milliseconds.The Eventide Ultra-Harmonizer removes inferred or explicit depictions of moral ambiguity, profanity, and depictions of reproduction (i.e. fucking).

It also wipes away unethical behavior by authority figures (i.e. cops and government officials) including corruption, theft, rape, murder, (up to 1,00 deaths; plug-in required for higher numbers),  and failure to set a shining example for the proletariat.

It also makes the proletariat always look happy, well-fed, and free of lead poisoning.Thanks to the Ultra Harmonizer's Revisionism Algorithm, it can rewrite history faster than Winston Smith on crack.

Who beat Japan in WWII? Gimme a bouncy C... for China.

Who did Ip Man run from when he came to Hong Kong? Not the Communists, but the KMT!

Local filmmakers keen on Chinese market entry will be glad to know of the Ultra-Harmonizer's advanced synthesis module which allows not only removalof content but the additionof content based on the pre-existing film.

Revelations of undercover status, requisite death or arrest of bad guys, and ideological redemption can now be tacked onto a movie with the push of a button.

With the time and manpower freed up by this magnificent device, maybe CSARFT can work on a RATINGS SYSTEM so that every film that plays in China need not be tailored to avoid going beyond a six year old's grasp of life, morals, and justice, and in the process help save movies like  Lady Cop Papa Crookfrom being turned into celluloid abortions in the name of ideology.Better living (if not better movies) through technology.

Please send hate mail to 6C.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Do you think it has finally sunk in for HK filmmakers the sort of Faustian deal they have struck with the PRC to make their co-productions? Most of them aren't even laughing all the way to the bank. I guess we can see why the best directors make fewer and fewer movies, or release them only in HK and (hopefully) for the overseas festival/art house market (which leaves out 90% of HK directors, anyway). Sadly, the fact that only treacle gets released in these co-production deals doesn't seem to decrease box office success. If it did, the Hollywood dream machine would have been out on its ass 2 decades ago. While, artistically, movies may be almost entirely crap today, it is still a much too lucrative business for anyone to go back to making real movies again. I see China taking a page out of the Hollywood playbook and, because they are finally beginning to build a handful of movie theaters, the numbers keep going up and up and up, in total disproportion to the quality of the films being release, or so it seems. Why does it have to be our generation that is forced to witness, in excruciation slow motion, the death of film making?
over 15 years ago
Photo 58618
Ever saw the documentary 'This Film Is Not Yet Rated'? Now, I'd really like to see a version of that but for the Chinese censors instead of MPAA, that'd be gold.
over 15 years ago


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