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via Real Hong Kong News: Hong Kong Indigenous' Edward Leung was followed by a paparazzi from #China mouthpiece Tai Kung Pao. Verbal confrontation was followed by scuffles. The journalist shouted verbal insult for a while and started shouting "the pro HK independence Edward Leung hit me" while covering his head, while his colleague was filming. The reporter also said he's only doing his job.

Notable takeaways:

If that guy's a journalist, I'm Florence Nightingale. Everyone else doing f@#$-all to stop it, including MTR staff. Nice back rub, too. How long did it take for the police to show up? Edward Leung didn't back down. Which is good, because it's all these thugs understand.

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about 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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