I envision the Singaporean Snowflake not doing real well in an American jail. At least I hope so. #DontDropTheSoap
"Feminists are assholes. They’re biased, it’s all basically about getting more rights for females – just pretty one-sided… and they’re not chill with rape jokes. If we’re in a really humanist society, where everybody’s chill, n*gger jokes and rape jokes and all of that would be cool, because then we wouldn’t be sensitive about those things. That’s the society I want..."
I hope no one in the jail Amos Yee is sitting in reads this interview. It wouldn't bode well for the little narcissist.
Okay, I'm lying. I hope someone in that jail does<...Read more
The only upside to causing an NG is when your improv (in a second language) makes people laugh. I had a lot of fun working on this project, and I look forward to the finished movie. Thanks again to Vin Kurosawa, Avenging Dark, Eric Leung, Leni Cho and everyone else I didn't remember to tag!
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.