Official Artist
Sean Tucker
Art Director , DJ , Fashion / Costume Designer
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The Boy's Candle Club Pt.2 (Hetero Version).

Told you that I would be back with more news from the Candle Club.  It's been a while since I have been able light up.  I have resided in a hotel since my move from Hong Kong to Shanghai 3 weeks ago.  Finally, I have moved into my new apartment, and figured the best way to break it in was a new candle.  Far from my favorite, but not to shabby. Here is the "orange" candle from L'Occitane.



over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 44644
Thanks for always checking me out! Happy Christmas, as they say in England. Nah, that shit is wrong; I gotta do it right, MERRY CHRISTMAS! What are your plans for the holidays? later, s.
over 16 years ago


"my greatest torment has become my greatest joy."

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