Official Artist
Sean Tucker
Art Director , DJ , Fashion / Costume Designer
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The Boy's Candle Club Pt.3 (Hetero Version).

Was shopping around town today in an attempt to pick up some stuff for the new apartment, and look what I stumbled upon at Designer's Republic, in the Bund.  They cost me a grip, but are well worth it!  Malin + Goetz candles, "dark rum" and "mojito" scented.    If you are ever in Shanghai, be sure to check out the shop; it is like the sister store of sorts to Moss in NY, not exactly but pretty damn good considering all things! later,




over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Joanneooi d4 joanneooi
dude, so glad you're here. impressed that you are baring your feminine side to us, by sharing your finds from DR. ha! DR is great. and so is Moss. they're all my friends! we need a hell of a lot more stores like that in greater china. i'm workin' on it... trust me. i hope you are loving your newfound life in china. we miss you! especially sam!
over 16 years ago
Joanneooi d4 joanneooi
sorry to comment twice, but can you believe the absolutely mindless drivel which passes for a "comment" on this site? it's shocking. i think all comments should be subjected to an IQ screening before they are permitted to go live on the site! rottendoubt is definitely kill me. but someone's gotta say something, RIGHT?
over 16 years ago


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