Official Artist
shann larsson
Graphic Designer , Illustrator , Painter
275,897 views| 234  Posts

Myartspace Feature

My second small feature of work

Dear Shann Larsson

We have added an image from your recent work on MYARTSPACE to our front page media window which shows interesting work from selective artists. We want to highlight excellent work such as yours on the site and the media window is a great vehicle for that. Congratulations! More details about our featured art can be found below.

Warm Regards,

Catherine McCormack-Skiba

Founder and Chief Creative Officer

CatMacArt Corporation


Less than 5% of all artists on myartspace get featured. The speed of that may have seemed nearly like a computer response to posting your work. I can assure you all our featured images are hand selected, mostly as the images come in daily but sometimes art can be featured from past galleries. Or there can be days or weeks of time since the initial display of work. We sometimes miss great work but we try our best to feature the most current, remarkable art across all genres.

All incoming work, (including featured work), can be seen under the filter option by selecting the pull down menu when selecting , or .

We have a variety of ways in which we feature art and artists:

  1. Featured artist - our default display when selecting ARTISTS on the home page menu bar, being a featured artist automatically features your galleries.

2. Media window - our media window on the front page displays recently featured art. This list of art rotates weekly and starts in a new place in the list every time you reenter or refresh the site

  1.   Our 

    weekly featured an opt in weekly newsletter that gets distributed to 45,000+ recipients, gives an in depth look into a select group of artist and their work.
    Weekly Example

  2.   Our 

    daily featured an opt in daily email and feeds our facebook widget goes out to thousands of recipients daily. Each daily featured artist is also posted to our twitter account, www.twitter.com/myartspace.

  1. www.myartspace.tv is s 7X24 live stream of contemporary art from our featured list that get selected and displayed daily

6. Blog interviews are exceptional ways in which myartspace gives heightened attention to an artist and their accomplishments www.myartspace.com/interviews.

view gallery here:


almost 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Sites: + www.shannlarsson.com + www.facebook.com/shannlarssonsart + http://shannlarsson.tumblr.com Other + www.inside-artzine.de + www.burro

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english, german
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 2, 2008