Simon Yin - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Simon Yin
Actor , Director , MC / Show Host
367,906 views| 510  Posts

About Simon Yin

throughout high school and college, I wanted to be a pediatrician. I took the damn MCAT three times, and scored best on the first.

I experienced racism for the first time in 5th grade in the boys restroom, when some kid passed me at the urinal and called me a "chink."

my mom bought me a milkshake, and I felt better.

my freshmen year in college, I stayed with my girlfriend that was still in high school. Big Mistake.

drowning is probably the worst way to die.

i was an investment banker straight out of college. bigger mistake.

took an improv comedy class and now, here I am typing this thang.

i constantly wonder if I am doing the right thing.

biggest fear: getting what I want, and realizing that that was not what I wanted, afterall.

sexiest part of a woman: legs

sexiest part of a man: chubby gut

i believe in love at first sight.

i cried while watching "cool runnings."

i prefer doing TV to Film.

i like asians.

I love collabos, so if any of you guys want to get together, sling ideas together, play facebook scrabble, or anything, I'm down. Look forward to meeting you all. Thanks for readin'!

Interesting facts about Simon Yin

Languages Spoken english, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender male
English Name Simon Yin
Member Since November 8, 2007
Fans 256
Profile Views 367,906


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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 8, 2007