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Skot Suyama
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(2010)蔡詩蕓 Dominique Tsai - 藏起來的愛 官方完整版MV HD版本

藏起來的愛 (曲/編/製) ‖蔡詩蕓∥【NoNo】∥2010.10

This is by far my favorite song that I’ve done with Dominique (and we’ve probably done like 14 songs together already). I remember the day we wrote this, I just kept listening to it over and over again. I couldn’t stop. You know you’ve written a good song when you can’t stop listening to it. And unfortunately there’s a really sad story to go along with it. One of Dom’s best friends in the States passed away suddenly. She came over, told me what happened, was pretty much in tears the whole time.. She said she really wanted to something for her. So we just started writing. The video is pretty much her story of her and her friend. Beautiful yet hella sad. I cried the first time I watched it. I don’t usually cry, but I think this video hit too close to home.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaNH1ibjPgM&feature=player_embedded


over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
must have been really emotional for her to make the video too!
over 14 years ago


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