Skot Suyama
音乐监製, 音乐家
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First F4 Concert|第一場 F4 演唱會|第一场 F4 演唱会

Yesterday was one of the longest days of my life.. We had gotten back to the hotel the night before at around 3am, and had to be downstairs the next morning at 9am.. So needless to say we we're all crazy tired.  Got to the arena at 10am, and did a full dress rehearsal until 1pm. Then had lunch, and seperate rehearsals for the rest of the day. Finished around 6, changed into our 1st set outfit. Then at 7, showtime.. And our first show was WAY better than our rehearsals. I love it when it works out like that. It proves that all our hard work is paying off.I'm curious to see what the press said about Van's part of the show. I felt like it was incredible. One of the best shows I've ever been a part of. But I wonder if the Japanese audience feels the same way..I'll post some pictures when I get my computer from off the stage.. I always keep it on stage so I can Skype my parents while we're performing.  |昨天度過了我人生中最漫長的一天...我們前一個晚上大概淩晨三點才回到飯店,早上九點就得到大廳集合...不用說,我們都累垮了。



我很好奇媒體會怎麼報導 Van 的那段表演,我覺得不可思議。這是我參與過最好的一次演出。不知道日本的觀眾是否有同感...

當我把電腦從台上搬走後,會把一些照片放上來...我一直把它放在台上,表演時可以跟父母 Skype。|昨天度过了我人生中最漫长的一天...我们前一个晚上大概凌晨三点才回到饭店,早上九点就得到大厅集合...不用说,我们都累垮了。



我很好奇媒体会怎麽报导 Van 的那段表演,我觉得不可思议。这是我参与过最好的一次演出。不知道日本的观众是否有同感...

当我把电脑从台上搬走后,会把一些照片放上来...我一直把它放在台上,表演时可以跟父母 Skype。

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, sounds like it went well.... you do skype from the stage? you're bootlegging your own concert!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 67226
that's how I roll. Straight to youtube..
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 96013
I can't wait seeing you guys show~its wed.and next sat!you skype your stage to your parents..how nice son you are:-D
大约 16 年 ago



Taipei, Taiwan
March 16, 2008