So it's been a long time since I've blogged anything.. I'm lazy, I admit, and my life isn't that exciting.. BUT.. Things are getting a bit more exciting for me this month.
I've been in Japan for a week already rehearsing with Vanness Wufor the 7 F4 shows in October. It's starting to hit me how big these shows are gonna be. I think most chinese people, or people in China and parts of Asia have heard of F4. I know I heard about them within the first month of living in Taiwan. And we got 7 sold out shows in Japan that seats 10,000+ people, so turns out there's some people in Japan that heard of them too.
And the Japanese production team is out of control. Van's band ( Terry Li, Vic Lau, DJ Zhong Wei, and myself) have been blown away with the courtesy and patience of these people. We even have our own translater, Toshi San, who sits around and just kicks ass all day. He translates everything from our funny jokes to our really stupid, waste of time jokes. And we got the most handsome driver, who just drives us around all day looking handsome. And of course the rundown is changing everyday, and we are constantly making little adjustments to our set striving for perfection.. We have 15 days of rehearsal.. 8 hours a day. Hella work.. But all for a good cause.
And I've been to Japan twice before and had my notions coming into this country, but I'm finding out Japan is changing..
Not every part of Japan is spotless. We went searching for trash on the ground in Shinjuku, and after 3 hours, we found it!!
Also, you can't smoke anywhere in Japan anymore.. You can't even smoke on the street...
And people sleep on the streets in Tokyo.. Not homeless.. Simply Sleepy.. Cigarette Vending Machines still exist.. but.. You need a TASPO card to buy from it. But you can only get a TASPO card if you have a Japanese ID. And you can only get a Japanese ID if you're Japanese... Half Japanese doesn't count.. I tried...
Garbage Cans are recyclable in themselves... Saving the planet in style.. But the sunsets are the same as I remember. |很久沒更新網誌了...是我懶惰,我承認,也因為生活缺乏刺激...但...這個月會變得更刺激。
到日本已經一個星期,為了F4在十月的七場演唱會,和 吳建豪一起練習。我開始領悟到這次的演出將會是多麼的龐大。我想,多數的華人、中國和多數亞洲人都知道F4。我本身在台灣不到一個月時間,就聽說 F4 的存在。而且在日本的七場萬人演唱會都已售空,證實了他們在日本的知名度。
日本的製作單位完全不受控制。Van 的樂團( Terry Li、Vic Lau、DL Zhong Wei 和我)被他們的禮貌與耐心沖昏了頭。我們甚至有轉屬翻譯員,每天都陪著我們的Toshi先生。不管是有趣或無聊透頂地冷笑話,他都一一幫我們翻譯。我們還有最帥的司機,每天都帥帥的載我們到處去。當然編排表也天天更新,我們時常會做些調整,讓一切完美無缺。十五天的彩排,每天八小時。繁多地工作,但出發點是好的。
甚至有人在東京街邊倒頭就睡...不是無家可歸...純粹是因為累了... 香煙販賣機還存在...但...你需要Taspo卡才能購買。然而買TASPO卡需要日本證件。也只有日本人有日本證件...半個日本人不算...我試過了...
垃圾箱也是環保的...拯救地球也可以很有型... 唯獨記憶中的日落還是依舊。
到日本已经一个星期,为了F4在十月的七场演唱会,和 吴建豪一起练习。我开始领悟到这次的演出将会是多麽的庞大。我想,多数的华人、中国和多数亚洲人都知道F4。我本身在台湾不到一个月时间,就听说 F4 的存在。而且在日本的七场万人演唱会都已售空,证实了他们在日本的知名度。
日本的製作单位完全不受控制。Van 的乐团( Terry Li、Vic Lau、DL Zhong Wei 和我)被他们的礼貌与耐心冲昏了头。我们甚至有转属翻译员,每天都陪着我们的Toshi先生。不管是有趣或无聊透顶地冷笑话,他都一一帮我们翻译。我们还有最帅的司机,每天都帅帅的载我们到处去。当然编排表也天天更新,我们时常会做些调整,让一切完美无缺。十五天的彩排,每天八小时。繁多地工作,但出发点是好的。
甚至有人在东京街边倒头就睡...不是无家可归...纯粹是因为累了... 香烟贩卖机还存在...但...你需要Taspo卡才能购买。然而买TASPO卡需要日本证件。也只有日本人有日本证件...半个日本人不算...我试过了...